peerspective download page

PeerSpective 1.2 is built using Java and supports Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows. Communication in PeerSpective is decentralized, using the Skype social network to query your friends and communities. Below are instructions on how to download and install PeerSpective 1.2, along with the requirements for each platform.

mac os x

To download PeerSpective for OS X, you should download the OS X Disk Image and drag the PeerSpective application to your applications folder. You then need to run PeerSpective and set your proxy settings - for more details, look at the OS X Installation Instructions.


To download PeerSpective for Windows, you should download and run the Windows Installer. You then need to run PeerSpective and set your proxy settings - for more details, look at the Windows Installation Instructions.


To download PeerSpective for Linux, you should download and run the Linux PeerSpective Tarball. You then need to run PeerSpective from the command line and set your proxy settings - for more details, look at the Linux Installation Instructions.